1000#JUST ON 1040#PAGE 66,58,7 1060#PNUM 251 1080#SPACE 1 1090#title Secretary Addendums 11005, F3060[After listing or printing on a device other than zero (UNIT 0), A3080the print and list device will revert back to the console.] 3100> 3120 A31402) THE CHNG COMMAND WILL ACCEPT SPACE IN ADDITION TO CNTL-A 3160 TO REJECT A CHANGE. 3180 D32003) THE FIND COMMAND WILL PRINT ON THE DEVICE SPECIFIED BY UNIT 3220>5, E3240[With the extensive use of Secretary to edit BASIC programs, it G3260may be desirable to get a cross-reference on hard copy using the F3280FIND command. For this reason, the lines printed by FIND may go C3300to the printer specified by UNIT. It will not revert back to E3320unit zero (console) in case there are multiple cross-references 3340to be printed.] 3360> 3380 34004) BOOT COMMAND 3420>5, J3440[The BOOT command was included in release 9, but was not documented. G3460BOOT will jump to E800 or E900 (depending on the disk density) to J3480reboot DOS. If you have DOS set to automatically bring up BASIC and L3500and a menu program, you can bring it up without going to DOS directly. F3520Using the BASIC program "LOADER" on the disk, you can even go to 13540Secretary from BASIC without going to DOS.] 3560> 3580 %36005) THE BSAVE BUG HAS BEEN FIXED 3620 '36406) THE DATA AREA BEGINS AT 60E0H. 3660 !3700