HX-20 "Smart Terminal" Program Instructions: 1. Load program into unused BASIC area (this program will title itself and appear on the main Menu after it has run). 2. Connect CX-20 Modem to the HX-20. 3. Set the CX-20 for Orig, Full Duplex, and turn it on (see instruction manual). ============================================================ Available Functions: CTRL-D Half Duplex (Display typed characters) will toggle off/on. CTRL-C Close storage buffer. CTRL-E Terminate the program. CTRL-O Open storage buffer. CTRL-P Printed copy of buffer. CTRL-G Fill buffer (from Microcassette). CTRL-S Save buffer (to Microcassette). CTRL-Z Zero buffer (empty). CTRL-T Trnasmit buffer (to RS-232) CTRL-V View buffer (use spacebar to increment lines) CTRL-D End Viewing ============================================================ Under normal conditions you should establish contact with the remote station using the keyboard with the buffer closed. After the receiving end is prepared to accept data (their buffer is open), hold down the CTRL key and press T. This will send whatever is currently in the buffer to their terminal. When receiving, your buffer must be open before the data you wish to capture is sent (use CTRL-O). With the buffer closed, the information is displayed only to the LCD screen. Data Files may be retrieved from Microcassette: prompt-- DEV:FILESPEC input--- CAS0:FILENAME.EXT (Whatever filename you want) The data file must be an ASCII file created by using the PRINT# commands, or by saving to Microcassette with the ,A on the end. (See instruction manual.) The CTRL functions are executed by holding down the CTRL key and pressing the desired function key. When using this program with Bulletin Boards it is not necessary to display your own characters. Most will echo yours back to you. If double characters are being displayed, use CTRL-D. This version works well between two smart terminals when no special control characters are being transmitted. It has the capability of capturing 500 lines of data, and provides the HX-20 with buffer viewing after filling, (CTRL-V). It is recommended that controls not be used while data is being received. The program is set up for 300 BAUD, 8 bit word, 1 stop bit, and no parity. All opening and closing of the buffer is the operators responsibility. Status is displayed upon execution of all control characters. Please do NOT remove the REM's, this is all the compensation received by the author.