.op .pl 67 SAMPLE TEXT WordStar“ ió á CP/Í compatible¬  screen-orienteä worä processinç    systeí   witè   integrateä    printinç capabilities®  Botè  thå initiaì entrù oæ texô  anä thå  alteratioî  oæ  previouslù  entereä  texô   arå displayeä  directlù oî thå screen¬  aó yoõ shoulä bå ablå tï see®  Mosô formattinç functionó takå  placå immediately¬  resultinç  iî  thå displaù oæ  á  truå prinô  image»  additionaì enhancementó arå performeä durinç  printing¬   iæ  desired®  Osbornå  Computeò Corporatioî   provideó  MailMerge“   witè   WordStar¬ allowinç yoõ tï integratå datá files--sucè aó á maiì list--witè youò text. Paragraphó  maù  bå  entereä aô higè  speeä  withouô pressinç  thå  carriagå  returî  key¬   aó  WordStar“ automaticallù  "wraps¢ wordó ontï thå nexô  linå  iæ theù  wilì  noô  fiô oî thå currenô linå  witè  youò currenô margins®  Otheò thaî this¬ enterinç texô oî thå  Osbornå É ió almosô exactlù likå enterinç  texô oî á typewriter. Amonç  thå  featureó  WordStar“   incorporates¬   thå followinç  arå  thå  mosô usefuì  foò  seriouó  worä processing: o Automatic justification of text. o Variable line spacing. o Automatic centering of text. o Ability to reformat entered text. o Automatic buffering of text to diskette (files can be up to 92,000 characters in length--that's about 1500 lines of text, or approximately 30 single-spaced pages!). o Hyphen help; WordStar identifies places where hyphens may be inserted to improve a document's appearance. o True decimal tab for aligning numbers. o Complete HELP system built-in. o Subscripts, superscripts, variable character pitch, underlining, double strike, boldface, strikeout printing available with appropriate printers. Thió  shorô documenô barelù toucheó upoî  WordStar'ó manù features® Asë youò Osbornå É dealeò tï providå yoõ  witè  morå informatioî anä á  demonstratioî  oæ WordStar. Osborne Computer Corporation 26500 Corporate Avenue Hayward, CA 94545 Calì  415-887-808° tï finä ouô thå locatioî oæ  youò nearesô Osbornå É dealer® Š