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Icon Filename Bytes Date/Time Description
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Icon 00-index.txt 4,723 1994/9/7 [03:28:32]
Icon 3coldir.sfx 10,009 1993/5/21 [10:18:36] C64 Print 3 col disk directory
Icon 64budget.arc 9,600 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Budget program
Icon apsoft.arc 9,216 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Apple Emulator
Icon arctutor.sda 8,704 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Tutor on Commodore ARC's
Icon arkive.lnx 33,432 1993/5/23 [14:10:24] ARKIVE 3.0 create/dissolve .ARK .SRK (Lynx17)
Icon bad.msw 10,240 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] SID- "BAD"
Icon barca.mus 1,152 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] SID- Barcarolle
Icon ben.sal 3,072 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] SID- BEN
Icon bikerdav 6,656 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 GAME- for the young biker kid
Icon bill-pla 7,040 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Keep track of your bills
Icon bohemian.msw 14,336 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] SID- Bohemian Rhapsody
Icon bubble.bob 47,744 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Game Bubble Bobble
Icon caslbl 3,456 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Print Cassette labels
Icon ccgms-ph 1,920 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] CGGMS dialing directory
Icon ccgms.ans 14,592 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 CCGMS Term w/ ANSI v2001
Icon ccgmsv7 18,048 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Term C/G, Punter & XModem, to 2400 baud
Icon cheatsht.cad 8,192 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] Print Key Overlay For CAD-3
Icon church.arc 18,034 2098/1/1 [00:00:00] SID- Collection of Religious Music
Icon comterm4.sda 32,384 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 ComTerm v4.1+
Icon convrt64.prg 768 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Converter ASCII & PETASCII options
Icon croswrd.c64 7,424 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Make crossword puzzles
Icon dev-chg 2,560 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C=64/128 Change device # 41, 71, or 81
Icon diskalc.prg 7,168 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C=64 Spreadsheet
Icon edit.arc 15,872 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C=64 Character Editor
Icon ez64.arc 36,322 2098/1/1 [00:00:00] C64 Easy Working Word Processor
Icon fastdump.prg 1,280 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Screendump
Icon file.64 5,632 1993/5/20 [11:39:32]
Icon file1581.64 384 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 FILER for use w/1581
Icon filechg 5,632 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 ML prg to change file types
Icon filedite.prg 9,216 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Edit SEQ files
Icon files.bbs 3,183 1994/9/14 [16:55:04]
Icon font.geo 14,720 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] GEOS- Font
Icon fungraf1.sda 50,816 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 FunGraphicMachine v3.2 1/3 Side A
Icon fungraf2.sda 9,728 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 FunGraphicMachine v3.2 2/3 Side A
Icon fungraf3.sda 38,656 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 FunGraphicMachine v3.2 3/3 Side B
Icon geofont1.sda 57,728 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] GEOS Font1
Icon geofont2.sda 59,264 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] GEOS Font2
Icon geofont3.sda 41,728 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] GEOS Font3
Icon geogroc.ery 7,283 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] GEOS Grocery
Icon kermit1.sda 29,824 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Kermit Term part 1 of 2
Icon kermit2.sda 44,544 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Kermit Term part 2 of 2
Icon keypad.prg 1,024 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 mode- use 128 keypad
Icon kscope.prg 3,328 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Animated Art
Icon latintut 2,560 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Latin Tutor
Icon luscher.sfx 25,100 1993/5/23 [10:41:14] C64 Color Test
Icon lusher.sfx 3,711 1993/5/23 [10:36:44] Color Test
Icon lynx.ix 28,544 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] MAN.SDA 15360 05-20-93 | C64 Parcheesi
Icon man.sda 15,360 1993/5/20 [11:39:32]
Icon manger.mus 768 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] SID- Away in a Manger
Icon manger.str 640 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] SID STR- Away in a Manger
Icon manger.wds 640 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] SID WDS- Away in a Manger
Icon marquee.prg 4,096 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Make scrolling messages
Icon modchess.ark 8,704 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Modem CHESS {dissolve w/ARKIVE.LNX}
Icon modembtl.shp 12,800 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Modem Battleship
Icon monopoly.prg 24,448 1993/5/20 [11:39:32]
Icon outline.sda 16,384 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] 16384 05-20-93 | C128 Make outlines for school
Icon pool.arc 3,584 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Pool
Icon protm128.sda 51,328 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C128 Terminal C/G v16.1
Icon qbird.prg 4,608 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Q-Bird
Icon recip.arc 59,182 1993/5/23 [20:39:32] C64 Recipe filer
Icon rockytop.sda 5,888 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] SID- Rocky Top
Icon roofus.arc 8,064 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 GAME- Roofus
Icon rotate.prg 4,224 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64- challenging game
Icon scrip.ana 17,408 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Script Analysis
Icon sids1.sfx 22,158 1993/5/21 [10:19:12] SID- Stero Sids from SidFest 1989
Icon sidstv10.sda 28,800 1993/5/20 [11:39:32]
Icon sleepwal.ker 43,392 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] 43392 05-20-93 | C64 Sleepwalker
Icon slither 9,088 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Sneeky Snake
Icon split.img 1,024 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Split those large text files
Icon stktrack.arc 3,072 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Stock Track
Icon stvmanor.prg 14,080 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Stoneville Manor TEXT adventure
Icon sunday.sal 3,200 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] SID- Never on a Sunday
Icon superbas.arc 12,032 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Database
Icon tape.cop 896 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Tape Copy to disk
Icon telchess 14,336 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Tele-Chess
Icon typerite.arc 11,264 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 TYPEWRITER
Icon vfcopy.prg 22,656 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 File Copier
Icon wetpaint.arc 3,840 1993/5/20 [11:39:32]
Icon wildcat.txt 3,093 1994/9/14 [18:02:56]
Icon windchil.prg 1,024 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Calculate Windchill
Icon woodhts.txt 2,048 1993/5/20 [11:39:32]
Icon wordwork.arc 5,888 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Simple Word Processor
Icon xlink.prg 6,144 1993/5/20 [11:39:32]
Icon zapload.64 2,560 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 FASTLOAD w/o the cartridge
Icon zarcon.arc 5,632 1993/5/20 [11:39:32] C64 Arcade game
Icon zipunzip 11,520 1993/5/20 [11:39:32]

Directory contains 1,242,422 bytes in 87 files.
Generated by FilePage 4.00 (Final), © Copyright Chris Payne 1997, Ian B Manners 2002 onwards.