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Icon Filename Bytes Date/Time Description
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Icon 00-index.txt 280 1994/9/7 [03:25:00]
Icon 0catalog.245 1,155 1986/2/12 [23:20:20] SIG/M Volume 245 Convert Programming - MAZE and TOUR - Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
Icon abstract.245 10,955 1986/2/12 [23:20:20]
Icon files.bbs 313 1994/9/14 [17:09:06]
Icon 4,864 1986/2/11 [17:00:00] locate patterns in all kinds of files
Icon 13,312 1986/2/11 [17:00:00] HELP files with embedded programs
Icon hjelp.lbr 45,696 1986/2/11 [17:00:00] everything to use and update HJELP
Icon maze.lbr 41,344 1986/2/11 [17:00:00] sample CNVRT programs to run mazes
Icon 3,840 1986/2/11 [17:00:00] execute programs where ever they are
Icon tour.lbr 95,744 1986/2/11 [17:00:00] collection of maze programs
Icon wildcat.txt 128 1994/9/14 [18:08:44]

Directory contains 217,631 bytes in 11 files.
Generated by FilePage 4.00 (Final), © Copyright Chris Payne 1997, Ian B Manners 2002 onwards.