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Icon 00-index.txt 2,745 1994/9/7 [03:28:34]
Icon 193,211 1992/7/29 [19:30:04] Disk Utility to read CP/M disks on IBM Computers
Icon 132,049 1992/8/11 [11:34:06] Anadisk is a disk edit/copy/analyzer that can check out CP/M disks on an IBM machine.
Icon 27,415 1993/3/20 [09:43:24] Read CP/M format disks on an IBM computer
Icon files.bbs 1,782 1994/9/14 [17:11:10]
Icon genienec.dir 8,960 1991/11/22 [00:23:02] Directory of files in the Laptops CP/M area on GENIE
Icon lharc113.exe 37,888 1991/2/2 [02:29:24] Self Extracting utility to uncompress .LZH archives on IBM machine.
Icon 18,527 1992/7/29 [19:30:08] IBM utility to read/extract CP/M library files (.LIB)
Icon 36,586 1992/7/29 [19:30:08] IBM version of NSWP file manager that will Squeeze and UNsqueeze files.
Icon pixrle.ark 8,192 1991/11/22 [21:09:28] RLE Graphics viewer for NEC CP/M Starlet/ 8500
Icon 28,255 1994/1/9 [19:23:22] Utility to handle Pak'ed files
Icon pkxarc35.exe 72,832 1988/1/24 [21:40:54] Self Extracting utility that will ARC/UNARC files that are compatable with CP/M ARK files.
Icon pkz110.exe 149,248 1990/3/15 [08:10:00] Self Extracting utility that will ZIP/UNzip files that can be handled with CP/M UNZIP programs. This is the last version of Zip that CP/M machines can read at present time.
Icon stardisk.lbr 27,264 2098/1/1 [00:00:00] Use Mod 100 PDD2 with NEC Starlet/8500
Icon starlet1.txt 95,865 1989/5/21 [12:12:56] Questions and answers regarding using GEnie with the NEC Starlet, Epson Geneva, and any other CP/M laptop.
Icon 8,077 1980/1/1 [03:35:12] Use Mod 100 Radio Shack PDD1/2 with NEC Starlet/8500
Icon 89,957 1994/1/9 [19:49:58] Disk utility that can read complete CP/M disks and copy them to a file to be recreated or transmitted.