Information on ZCPR3 and Z3MD-59K.LBR (implementation for Morrow MD computers) What is ZCPR3? ZCPR3 is the third version of ZCPR (Z80 Command Processor Replacement). The main concept of ZCPR is that by replacing the standard CCP (Console Command Processor) portion of CP/M with a more powerful command processor, you are able to implement many extensions to CP/M while retaining complete CP/M compatibility. Some of the features which are implemented by ZCPR3 are: * A Multiple Command Line Buffer which not only allows multiple commands on a line, but also provides a simple way for programs to chain to one another without the requirement for a SUBMIT file. * The Flow Command Package, which allow IF-THEN-ELSE structures straight from the command line. * A combination of the MCL buffer and Flow Commands, which makes the new batch command processor ZEX very powerful. * In addition to being able to conditionally execute programs based on certain conditions, there is also the ability to branch to commands within ZEX/SUBMIT files with the use of GOTO. * The ability to have SHELLS, which are programs that can exit to the CP/M level for certain operations, and then automatically be re-invoked. * Named directories, which can be implemented either in addition to, or in place of the standard CP/M scheme of Drive/User (DU:) form. In any case, there is the ability to display either the DU:, Directory, or both, as part of the standard CP/M A> prompt. Some of the other features of ZCPR3 which I won't go into too much detail on are: the Resident Command Package, which contains some of the CP/M resident commands, as well as some new ones which are quite useful; wheel users and passwords, which limit access to certain commands or directories through the use of passwords; error handlers which allow you to "gracefully" get around typos in long multiple command lines; Z3TCAP (ZCPR3 Terminal Capabilities) buffer which is resident in memory, and allows you to use screen oriented utilities without a difficult installation procedure; and ALIASes, which are just .COM files that contain a multiple command line to automate long procedures by making them one single command. Every one of these features is utilized by a set of over 60 utility programs that are part of the ZCPR3 system. These include a set of screen oriented utilities: A file manipulation utility (VFILER), a full screen oriented version of DU, and a Memory Utility (MU3) which lets you edit memory with a screen oriented editor. There are also two menu programs (MENU, and VMENU) which allow you to create sophisticated menu driven applications. Menus can be nested several layers deep, and can be used to make "Integrated Software Packages" out of standalone CP/M software. As for documentation, there are HELP files for all of the ZCPR3 features and utilities, as well as programs for reading these files at the console, or printing them out for reference. There will also be a book out soon called "ZCPR3: The Manual," which promises to be a comprehensive reference guide to ZCPR3. Do you need ZCPR3? The first thing you should understand about ZCPR3 is that although it is a very powerful package, it may not be that useful for everyone. The ZCPR3 environment is particularly suited either to Hard Disk users, to people who spend a lot of time at the system level interacting with many different applications programs, or to programmers who wish to set up menu driven applications for others to use. Someone who turns on their computer, puts in a disk, and spends all of their time inside of an application, probably has no need for ZCPR3. In fact, due to the nature of ZCPR3, they may be better off without it. ZCPR3 (in my implementation anyhow), requires about 5k of memory. This means that certain operations which use a lot of memory may be more difficult or impossible if you are also using a program such as SmartKey which also uses up memory. The previous paragraph may sound like I am trying to discourage you from getting ZCPR3, and to a certain extent, that is true. However, the reason for this is that ZCPR3 is not for the beginner. I would rather not see someone get involved with ZCPR3 if they have no need for it, rather than have them spend their (and my) time, effort, and money on something which may not bring them much benefit. If you feel that the features I have described are of use to you, then by all means, you should look into ZCPR3. But if nothing here sounds like it will help you, or if it all sounds too complicated, then you would probably be better off without ZCPR3, at least for the time being. ZCPR3 Structure Well, if you have gotten this far and still want to know how you can get ZCPR3, then here you go: The ZCPR3 system consists of the CCP replacement, and the system segments (RCP, FCP etc.) which are resident in memory. These are called the "Core" of ZCPR3. The other parts of the system are the utilities and the HELP files. You also could get the source code to the utilities, and to SYSLIB3 (the library routines required to re-assemble the utilities), but for most people, there is no need for them. If you were to go to Echelon Inc., they charge $149 for the Core, utilities, and the source code to everything. The problem with this deal is that you would have to modify the Core to work on your computer, as well as write a BIOS patch to do the correct Cold Boot initialization. However, I have already done the modification which will work on ANY Morrow MD-1, 2 or 3. This installation package is called Z3MD-59k.LBR and contains everything you need to get the Core running on your system. It is a very simple installation, and should take no more than a half hour of following directions. The ways to get what you need are as follows. If you have a modem (1200 baud preferably), the cheapest way is probably to download the files from a Remote CP/M system. You should first get the Z3MD-59K.LBR file (which is currently available on the Glendale RCP/M or the LAMUG XBBS). If you do not have access to a modem, or live too far away for this to be practical, then you can purchase a floppy with this package from the Los Angeles Morrow Users Group. This disk costs $7 at the meetings, or $10 through the mail (checks payable to CASH or Brian Leyton - we don't have a bank account yet...). In order to get the utilities and HELP files, you will have to either get them from an RCP/M, or go through Echelon (who might give a special deal for just the utilities and help files), SIG/M, CP/MUG, or any of a number of other users groups which can download these files to Morrow format. The Los Angeles Morrow Users Group has decided NOT to handle orders for the Utilities and HELP files due to their large size. - Brian Leyton Addresses and other miscellaneous information: Echelon Inc. 101 First Street Los Altos, CA 94022 (415) 948-3820 LAMUG Library Diskettes C/O Brian Leyton 12613 Killion St. No. Hollywood, CA 91607 Elliam Associates (Has ZCPR3 and downloading capability) 24000 Bessemer Woodland Hills, CA 92367 LAMUG XBBS, Calabasas, Calif. (818) 340-9947 (Leave private message with name, address, phone number to SYSOP to get CP/M access password) ZCPR3 Metal BBS (415) 489-9005 These systems are up 24 hrs except when in use by SYSOP. They support 300/1200 baud.