2 0 8 14 0 16 0 18 27 0 0 29 32 0 0 0 0 38 41 0 44 0 0 49 0 0 0 ADD/INSPECT/UPDATE This is the most frequently used command in T.I.M. The applications of the ADD command are three-fold. ADD allows one to add records to any particular file. All records in this command have the convenience of full cursor control. While in the ADD mode one can inspect records in many fashions. One can search for a specific record(s) by either record number or specific information contained within a field. The ADD command also allows one to change any information within a record using the update command. Full cursor control is also present within this command.@  CREATE A FILE This command allows the user to define and create files to their specifications. The user should first lay out their application on paper deciding what they want and in what format. In the actual definition process one must enter the field titles, lengths and types. A brief description of each of the field types may be found under HH. A more thorough explanation can be found in the manual. After defining the field titles, lengths and types one can select a standard screen format or a custom screen format. The standard screen left justifies all fields while the custom screen allows the user to place fields wherever they wish on one or two screens.@  DISPLAY TIM DIRECTORY This command will provide you with a directory of the files that have been created on the disk.@  FILE SPECIFICATIONS This command provides the user with three screens of file details. One can also print any or all of this information by pressing the P key.@ FIELD TYPES ALPHANUMERIC = A field whose entries may be any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters. CALCULATED = A field whose entries are calculated by the program rather than entered by the user. DATE = A field whose entries are numerical dates. This allows the program to sort dates by year, then month, then day. INVERTED NAME = A field whose entries are names entered with the first name first and last name last. This field type allows the user to sort names alphabetically by the last name. NUMERIC = A field whose entries are numbers. This allows for specification of the "precision" of the decimal places. SEQUENTIALLY NUMBERED = A field whose entry is entered by the computer in a sequence starting from one and increasing by one with every record entry. TOTAL = A field whose entry allows the user to add up to 16 fields together for one sum. Dollar = A field whose entry will be put into dollar and cents format.@ INTERFACE TO WORD PROCESSING This command will convert T.I.M. files into a format that can be read by the user's word processing program. This can be used for printing form letters, invoices, etc.@ LIST GENERATION This command will allow the user to define and generate lists in almost any format imaginable. Mailing labels, invoices and special lists and reports can easily be defined and printed. Text may also be inserted into the list format.@ FILE MAINTENANCE This command is a general file maintenance tool that allows one to perform the following tasks: Alter sequential count of a sequential field. Compress a file which removes deleted records from disk. Display disk directory of any disk, including non-T.I.M. files. Erase key-fields. Kill T.I.M. files, including all related sub-files such as keys. Remove duplicate records within a file. Update passwords; change, delete or add. Rename a T.I.M. file. Sort a file, this will create a new key-field or resort an existing one if the key-pointers have been disturbed. Update field titles of a file.@  REPORT GENERATION This command allows one to create and print reports from T.I.M. files. One can select fields to print from one or two different T.I.M. files and can obtain totals of these fields if desired. One can print totals only, as well as an entire report. The user can send the report to printer, terminal or disk.@ SELECT RECORDS FROM A FILE This command enables the user to select specific records from a file with designated search critieria. A complete help menu of all the commands and operators is available under Select.@ UTILITIES There are several utility commands. They let the user perform the following functions: Convert a standard ASCII file into a T.I.M. file. Back-up or concatenate files. This will split apart large files or combine two or more files into one. Convert files created under previous versions of T.I.M. to the new format. Transfer T.I.M. files between disks. Restructure a file. This lets the user add, remove, or change fields in a previously defined file.@ EXIT This command exits the T.I.M. program.@