1.) USBSTICK mounten ! cd ~/mfm ./setup_mfm_read ./mfm_read --analyze --emulation_file /media/USB-2GB/ncrdmv20mb.emu --extracted_data_file /media/USB-2GB/ncrdmv20mb.hex --transitions_file /media/USB-2GB/ncrdmv20mb.raw --note "Test" 2>&1| tee /media/USB-2GB/mfm.log cd ~/emu ./setup_emu ./mfm_emu --drive 1 --file ../emu_file Then try to boot the computer attached to the drive emulator or access the emulated disk drive. The mfm emulator should print messages like shown in the documentation and the computer should act like it has the disk attached. If you didn't read a disk to emulate you will need to start with an unformatted drive: cd ~/emu ./mfm_emu --drive 1 --file ../emu_file --initialize --cylinders # --heads # Für CP/M 10MB image erstellen. 10MB ST412 306*4*17 mfm_emu --emulation_file ../media/USB2GB/ncrdmv_cpm80_10mb_emu --initialize --cylinders # --heads # --drive # ./mfm_emu --drive 2 --file ../dmv_cpm80_10mb_emu2 --initialize --cylinders 306 --heads 4 ./mfm_emu --drive 1 --file ../media/USB2GB/dmv_cpm80_10mb_emu1 ./mfm_emu --drive 2 --file ../media/USB2GB/dmv_cpm80_10mb_emu2 ./mfm_emu --drive 1 --file dmv_cpm80_10mb_emu1 --drive 2 --file dmv_cpm80_10mb_emu2 # 2 festplatten a. 10MB ./mfm_emu --drive 1,2 --file dmv_cpm80_10mb_emu1,dmv_cpm80_10mb_emu2 #MSDOS 20MB cd ~/emu ./setup_emu ./mfm_emu --drive 1 --file ncrdmv20mb.emu