\1v^Q_A2BCʗWQ~ QQ_ AhB;CDEXWQ> QQ_2ABCDEFGHIJK L)M2WQt Dh Dh[ Dh DhDhDhDhDhZDhDh\DhDhDhQQ_2A{BʄCʍDʖEʟFʨGʱWQGD;tD;ID;}D;xD;D;Q Q_;uD;QQ_2AB:CCDLEUFrGʏHʬIJWQ Q Q_p#Dz$D&D'D()Q Q_+D -Q Q_0DD1Q Q_3D4Q Q_6D6Q Q_9D :Q Q_QQ_2A4B=CFDOWQ>D?D'BDBDDQQ_2AʉBʦCʯDWQdSEQ Q_XFDXTIDXKQ Q_XtMDXNDX?QQ Q_ RQ>2*]"]`gQ_-+@WQ[Q::=2**][Q::<2*]*SQSQ*]QSQ*]*Q*]*"] h]QQ_ ABC DEF'WQã^Q Q_ʗ`D×cQ Q_ʗfD×hD×jD×lD×nQ Q_ʗsD×QQ_ ;+-Tʇ ڄڊRQ_ Touch to return to previous HELP level. $ Enter or touch the key to return to previous HELP screen. $ Touch to continue or touch the key to return to previous HELP screen. $ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Enter <+> key to scroll to next manual reference screen <-> key to scroll to previous manual reference screen key to return to previous HELP screen. $ $ $ $ $ HELP GUIDE Ver 0.4 WELCOME!!! This is a help guide for users of the XEROX 820-II computer. To use this guide, read the information displayed and enter the desired in response to the questions asked. To exit the help guide, touch the key and simultaneously touch the key (this is referred to as entering CTRL+C). Touch the key to return to the previous display. Enter for information about CP/M commands Enter for reference to manuals Enter for XEROX 820-II special features $ CP/M USER'S GUIDE A CP/M CONTROL KEYS B CP/M BUILT-IN COMMANDS C SYSTEM PROGRAMS D ERROR MESSAGES E CP/M COMMAND SUMMARY $ CP/M CONTROL KEYS A CTRL+C B CTRL+E C CTRL+H OR BACKSPACE D CTRL+I E CTRL+J OR LINE FEED F CTRL+M G CTRL+P H CTRL+R I CTRL+S J CTRL+U OR CTRL+X K CTRL+Z L RETURN M DELETE $ CTRL+C Restarts CP/M (or aborts whatever program is running and restores the CP/M command line). CTRL+C is also used to log in a newly-inserted disk. CTRL+C is called a warm start or warm boot. $ CTRL+E Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line without performing a RETURN (see RETURN). Use CTRL+E to type long command lines. $ CTRL+H or BACKSPACE Deletes one character and erases it from the screen. $ CTRL+I This is a TAB function. CTRL+I will append 8 spaces to a line (tabs to the next 8th column:8,16,24...). CTRL+I is used in text files with the ED program or other text editors. $ CTRL+J or LINE FEED Equivalent to the RETURN function. $ CTRL+M Equivalent to the RETURN function $ CTRL+P Turns on the list device (printer, tape ...). Everything typed and displayed is also sent to the list device. Entering CTRL+P again will turn off the list device. $ CTRL+R Displays the current command line. This is useful when editing after DELETE as it will show the newly- corrected command line. $ CTRL+S Temporarily stops the display from scrolling. To continue scrolling, type any character. CTRL+S is useful to scroll and stop long displays. $ CTRL+U or CTRL+X Cancels the current line (does not transmit it to CP/M). $ CTRL+Z Terminates input from the keyboard when using the ED program (or PIP program where input is from the CON: device). $ RETURN Transmits the command line to CP/M and performs a carriage return/line feed combination to move the cursor to the next line. $ DELETE Deletes one character and redisplays it. To display the corrected command line without the deleted characters, use CTRL+R. $ BUILT-IN COMMANDS A Changing Disk Drives B DIR Command C ERA Command D REN Command E SAVE Command F TYPE Command G USER Command $ Changing Disk Drives d: The d: command changes the current disk drive to drive d. Whenever a command is entered CP/M will search the current disk drive for that filename (or command name, if the command is not a built-in command), unless a disk drive has been specified with the filename. EXAMPLE: To change from drive A to drive B A>B: B> (CP/M will now search for filenames or command names on drive B.) $ DIR Command DIR {d:filename} DIR displays the names of files from the disk in the current drive, or displays a specific filename. Another disk drive is specified by using d:. File references may be used in place of the filename (e.g. *.EXT). EXAMPLES: A>DIR *.BAK (Displays all files with BAK extension). A>DIR B:EXAMPLE.TXT (In this example, DIR searches in drive B for EXAMPLE.TXT, but the current drive is still drive A.) $ ERA Command ERA {d:filename} The ERA command erases (deletes) the file named by filename, or the files whose names match with filematch (using the '*' or '?' symbols). Use the optional d: to specify a disk drive other than the current drive. An 'ERA *.*' will erase all files in the current user area, or all files on the disk if user areas are not used (see USER command). EXAMPLES: A>ERA EXAMPLE.TXT (This erases one file.) A>ERA B:*.BAK (This erases all files on the disk in drive B that have '.BAK' as a file type.) $ REN Command REN newname=oldname Renames one file on the disk in the current drive to a specified name (changes its name from an old name to a new name). Drive prefixes are not allowed. EXAMPLE: A>REN NEWNAME.TXT=OLDNAME.BAK $ SAVE Command SAVE n d:filename SAVE places n number of pages (256 bytes per page) from the program area of main memory (transient program area, TPA) in a file. To calculate n, use decimal value of the NEXT value in DDT's display. EXAMPLE: A>DDT SAMPLE.COM NEXT PC 1D80 00 G0 A>SAVE 29 COPY.COM $ TYPE Command TYPE {d:filename} Displays the contents of one or more text files (or program source files) from the disk of the current drive or the drive (d:) specified. EXAMPLES: A>TYPE *.TXT A>TYPE B:EXAMPLE.TXT $ USER Command USER n User areas are imaginary areas on a disk which are useful if you intend to share the disk with other users and you wish to restrict access to files. $ USER Command (continued) When you load CP/M (cold start), CP/M assumes you are in user area 0 (for compatibility). By changing your user area with USER, you may store files into another user area (you must copy files using PIP with the G parameter). An 'ERA *.*'command will only erase files in the current user area. Files are stored with an associated user number, with 0 remaining compatible with previous versions. If you never use USER, your files will remain compatible. EXAMPLE: A>USER 2 (User 2 would now be the current level). $ SYSTEM PROGRAMS A ASM Program (Assembler) B DDT Program (Debugger) C DUMP Program D ED Program (Text Editor) E LOAD Program F MOVCPM Program G PIP Program H STAT Program I SUBMIT and XSUB J SYSGEN $ ASM Program (Assembler) ASM filename.ahp The ASM.COM program assembles a source program in filename.ASM, which is in the current drive, or the drive specified by 'a'. ASM.COM then puts the assembled program (filename.HEX) on the disk in the current drive or the drive specified by 'h', and puts the program listing (filename.PRN) on the disk in the current drive or drive specified by 'p'. (If you need to specify 'a','h', or 'p' only, you must specify all three). If you specify a 'Z' for 'h' or 'p', then ASM.COM will not generate filename.HEX or filename.PRN respectively. If you specify an 'X' for 'p', then the listing will appear at the console only (no filename.PRN). $ ASM Program (continued) EXAMPLES: A>ASM PROGRAM (Assemble PROGRAM.ASM in drive A, and put PROGRAM.HEX and PROGRAM.PRN in drive A) A>ASM PROGRAM1.BAB (Assemble B:PROGRAM1.ASM, put PROGRAM1.HEX in drive A, and put PROGRAM1.PRN in drive B) $ DDT Program (Debugger) DDT {d:filename.HEX} DDT {d:filename.COM} DDT loads the program named by filename.HEX or filename.COM into the transient program area (TPA), where it can be debugged with the DDT commands (see CP/M manual). The program replaces whatever previously occupied the program area. If no file- name is specified, DDT commands act on whatever is already in the program area. DDT displays the program counter (PC), and the NEXT address (ending address plus 1) of the program in the transient program area (TPA). EXAMPLE: A>DDT PROGRAM.COM $ DUMP Program DUMP filename The DUMP.COM program displays the contents of a file in hexidecimal form. A CTRL+P should be performed before using DUMP to dump the contents to the printer. EXAMPLE: A>DUMP PROGRAM.COM $ ED Program (Text Editor) ED filename The ED.COM program is a text editor used to create and edit text files. ED maintains a backup copy (filename.BAK) of your text file as it was before the current ED session. ED creates an edit buffer and provides editing commands to modify the text (see CP/M manual). EXAMPLE: A>ED B:PROGRAM.TXT $ LOAD Program LOAD d:filename The LOAD.COM program takes a file with a '.HEX' extension and converts it to an executable file (program or transient command) with a '.COM' extension. You do not have to specify '.HEX' with your filename, since LOAD assumes that it has a '.HEX' extension. '.HEX' files are created by the CP/M assembler (Intel hexidecimal format). Specify a drive letter 'd:' if the file is not on the disk in the current drive. The error message 'ERROR: CANNOT OPEN SOURCE, LOAD ADDRESS xxxx' means that you did not specify the filename or that LOAD cannot find the file on the disk in the specified drive. $ LOAD Program (continued) EXAMPLE: A>LOAD PROGRAM (Load PROGRAM.HEX from drive A) FIRST ADDRESS 0100 LAST ADDRESS 0234 BYTES READ 0135 RECORDS WRITTEN 02 . . . (This tells you the first and last address, the number of bytes, and the number of 128-byte records in PROGRAM.COM) $ MOVCPM Program MOVCPM {*} {*} MOVCPM (n} {*} The MOVCPM.COM program prepares a new copy of the CP/M system. By itself, 'MOVCPM' prepares a new copy that makes use of all available system memory, and starts running this new version. With 'n', MOVCPM prepares a copy that utilizes nK bytes (e.g., if n is 48, it uses 48K bytes) of system memory, and starts running this new version. However, if you include the asterisk '*' after 'n', MOVCPM prepares a copy of CP/M (using nK) for subsequent saving on disk with the SYSGEN program (or SAVE command). The command 'MOVCPM * *' prepares a copy of CP/M that utilizes all of the available system memory, and leaves the copy in memory for subsequent saving on disk with SYSGEN or SAVE. $ MOVCPM Program (continued) EXAMPLES: A>MOVCPM 48 (Prepare a 48K CP/M system and run it) A>MOVCPM 64 * (Prepare a 64K CP/M system ready for a SYSGEN to save it on disk) A>MOVCPM * * (Prepare a CP/M system using all available system memory for a SYSGEN to save it on disk) $ PIP Program PIP argument line The PIP.COM program copies files. Each argument line contains filenames, filename matches, or device names with optional parameters. PIP operations involve copying from a source (or original) file or device to a destination (or copy) file or device. Each argument line takes the general form: destination=source. PIP has many features, consult your CP/M manual for a full explanation. $ PIP Program (continued) EXAMPLES: A>PIP PROGRAM1.TXT=B:PROGRAM2.TXT (This copies PROGRAM2.TXT from disk B to disk A with the new name of PROGRAM1.TXT) A>PIP A:=B:PROGRAM3.COM (This copies FILE3.COM from disk B to disk A and names the copied file PROGRAM3.COM) A>PIP A:=B:*.*[V] (This copies all files from disk B to disk A and all files keep the same name. The [V] causes all copied data to be verified.) $ STAT Program STAT d: STAT {d:filename} The STAT.COM program provides statistics on files, disks, and devices. The statistics are disk space, file size, attributes, and device assignments. EXAMPLES: A>STAT B:*.PRN (This displays the size for all '.PRN' files on the disk in drive B). $ STAT Program (continued) EXAMPLES (continued) A>STAT B: (This displays the amount of free space on the disk in drive B). See your CP/M manual to learn how to assign file attributes. $ SUBMIT and XSUB SUBMIT d:filename The SUBMIT command creates a file which contains the commands you listed in your submit file called filename.SUB. CP/M then executes these commands in the order they're listed, before returning control to your keyboard for commands. You create your '.SUB' file with a text editing program like ED.COM. Each text line can only contain one command line. If you include 'XSUB' as your first command in your '.SUB' file, your submitted commands can ask for data from the buffered command line. $ SUBMIT and XSUB (continued) EXAMPLE: Suppose you created a file called DOIT.SUB that contained the following commands: DDT IPROGRAM1.HEX R G0 SAVE 1 COPY.COM You can execute this 'batch' of commands by typing: A>SUBMIT DOIT $ SYSGEN The SYSGEN program places a copy of the CP/M operating system on disk. You use it to make backup copies of the system. It would be a good idea to put the CP/M system on all of your disks for convenience. When running this program, SYSGEN asks for the drive name of your current system disk. Respond with the letter of the drive where the system is located, unless you want to skip the system read operation if the system is already in memory due to a MOVCPM operation. SYSGEN then asks for a destination drive name (the drive of the disk to receive the copy). This should be answered by typing in the drive name or a RETURN to restart your system. $ SYSGEN (continued) EXAMPLE: A>:SYSGEN 820-II SYSGEN VERSION 3.0 SOURCE DRIVE NAME (OR RETURN TO SKIP) A: SOURCE ON A:. TOUCH TO CONTINUE, OR TO EXIT. FUNCTION COMPLETE. DESTINATION DRIVE NAME (OR TO EXIT) B: DESTINATION ON B:. TOUCH TO CONTINUE, OR TO EXIT. FUNCTION COMPLETE. DESTINATION DRIVE NAME (OR TO EXIT): $ ERROR MESSAGES A NO FILE or FILE NOT FOUND B BDOS ERR ON d: C INVALID DISK ASSIGNMENT D READ, WRITE, OR SELECT ERRORS $ NO FILE or FILE NOT FOUND This message means that the disk does not contain the file you specified in the command line. If you specified a filename match, no files were found that match your name. Check your entry. $ BDOS ERR ON d: The is the most common error message. d: is the name of a disk drive. CP/M either could not find a disk in that drive, or the disk is not properly formatted. Other possibilities are: the flexible disk is physically write protected, the disk is the wrong density for the disk drive controller, the disk drive is not ready. If 'SELECT' is displayed, you may have selected a drive that does not exist. If 'R/O' is displayed, your disk has been assigned the 'read only' attribute with a STAT command. Type a RETURN to recover, or CTRL+C for a warm start. $ INVALID DISK ASSIGNMENT This message may appear if, in a STAT command, you followed a drive specifier ('d:') with anything other than '=R/O'. $ READ, WRITE, OR SELECT ERRORS Select error indicates you have attempted to access a drive that is not ready or a disk that has not been formatted(initialized). A read or write error appears if the attempted operation was not successful. To continue, select one of the indicated options: Type "A" to accept and return the error to the program Type "I" to ignore the error Type "R" to retry the operation again. If selection of one of the options is not successful, use to return to CP/M. $ CP/M COMMAND SUMMARY A CONTROL KEYS B BUILT-IN COMMANDS C SYSTEM PROGRAMS D ERROR MESSAGES $ CONTROL KEYS CTRL+C Restart CP/M (terminate program), performs a warm start for a newly-inserted disk. CTRL+E Moves cursor to beginning of next line for long command lines. CTRL+H or BACKSPACE Deletes one character and erases it from the screen. CTRL+I Add 8 spaces (tab to next 8th column:8,16,24...). CTRL+J or LINE FEED Same as RETURN. CTRL+M Same as RETURN. $ CONTROL KEYS (continued) CTRL+P Turn on list device (printer, tape...). Type CTRL+P again to turn off list device. CTRL+R Repeat the command line. CTRL+S Temporarily stop the display; continue by typing any character. CTRL+U or CTRL+X Cancel the current line (do not transmit it to CP/M). CTRL+Z End input from keyboard during ED or PIP session. RETURN Transmit command line to CP/M and do a carriage return/line feed to move cursor to next line. DELETE Delete one character and redisplay it. To display corrected command line without deleted characters, use CTRL+R. $ BUILT-IN COMMANDS d: Change current disk drive to d:. DIR {d:filename} or DIR {d:filematch} Display one or more files. ERA {d:filename} or ERA {d:filematch} Erase one or more files. REN newname=oldname Rename oldname to newname. SAVE n d:filename Save n pages to d:filename. TYPE {d:filename} or TYPE {d:filematch} Display contents of one or more text files. USER n Set current user area to user number n. $ HELP PATH A E C SYSTEM PROGRAMS ASM filename.ahp Assemble filename.ASM in the current drive or drive specified by 'a', put the assembled program (filename.HEX) in the current drive or drive specified by 'h', and put the listing (filename.PRN) in the current drive or drive specified by 'p'. DDT {d:filename.HEX} or DDT {d:filename.COM} Load filename.HEX or filename.COM into the program area to debug with DDT commands. DUMP filename Display the file's contents in hexadecimal. ED filename Create and/or edit a text file. $ SYSTEM PROGRAMS (continued) LOAD d:filename Convert filename.HEX to an executable program called filename.COM. MOVCPM Prepare a new copy of system. PIP argument Copy files. STAT {d:filename} Display file and disk information. SUBMIT d:filename {parameters} Execute commands in a CP/M text file. SYSGEN Place a copy of the system on a disk. $ ERROR MESSAGES NO FILE or FILE NOT FOUND Disk does not contain file you specified. BDOS ERR ON d: No disk in drive, disk is not formatted properly, disk is so old that CP/M can't read it, disk drive is not on, door is not closed, drive doesn't exist, or you're trying to write to a read only disk. INVALID DISK ASSIGNMENT In a STAT command, you followed 'd:' with something other than '=R/O'. Read, Write, or Select Err d: A(ccept), I(gnore), R(etry) Error encountered trying to Read, Write, or Select a disk. Touch to return to CP/M. $ REFERENCE MANUALS AVAILABLE XEROX Manuals ------------- 1 820-II CP/M Operating System Reference Guide(9R80448) 2 820-II CP/M Operating System Handbook(9R80449) 3 820-II Word Processing Reference Guide(9R80445) 4 820-II Word Processing Handbook(9R80446) 5 820-II Operation Manual Additional Reference Materials ------------------------------ A CP/M Handbook (by Rodney Zaks) $ SUBJECT GUIDE TO REFERENCE MANUALS (Numbers correspond to manual numbers listed on previous screen) Manual Manual Subject Reference Subject Reference ----------------------------------------------------------------- $ $ $ $Assembler.................1,A$Baud Rate Generator.........1$BDOS......................1,A$CBIOS, Modification.........1$CCP (Cons Command Proc)...1,A$Clock Generator.............1$Connector Pin Assignments...1$CP/M, Commands..........1,5,A$CP/M, Description.......1,2,A$CP/M, History...............A$CP/M, Intern Structure....1,A$CPU.....................1,5,A$CRT, Display Blanking.......1$CRT, Display Codes........1,5$CRT, Display Generator....1,5$CRT, Scrolling..............1$CRT, Ram Addresing..........1$Debugger..................1,A$Diagnostics.............1,3,5$Editing...............1,3,4,A$Files, Random.............1,A$Files, Sequential.........1,A$Floppy Disk Controller......1$Floppy Disk Format......1,4,5$Floppy Disk Parameter Table.1$Floppy Disk Translation Sync1$Forms Tractor...............1$Installation, 820-II....1,3,5$Interrupt Processing........1$Keyboard Codes............1,5$Keyboard Layout...........1,5$Linker......................1$Loader, Cold Start..........1$Memory, 64K Ram.............1$Memory, Bank Switching......1$Memory, Organization....1,5,A$Memory, Refresh.............1$Monitor, Commands.........1,5$Monitor, User Entry Points..1$Pin Assignments.............1$Port Address Decoder........1$Port Assignments............1$Ports, Parallel I/O.....1,5,A$Ports, Serial I/O.......1,5,A$Printer, 40 CPS/20 CPS..1,3,5$Real Time Clock.............1$Reset Controller..........1,5$Sector Blocking.............1$System Call Conventions.....1$System Generation.........1,A$Theory Of Operation.........1$Word Processing...........3,4$Z80, CPU..................1,A$Z80, CTC....................1$Z80, PIO....................1$Z80, SIO....................1$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $S XEROX 820-II SPECIAL FEATURES A SCREEN PRINT B MONITOR COMMANDS C HOST TERMINAL COMMANDS D DISPLAY CONTROL CODES E ESCAPE SEQUENCES F SUBROUTINE ENTRY POINTS $ SCREEN PRINT Touching the key and simultaneously touching the key will cause the contents of the video display to be sent to the serial printer port. Printing will begin with a carriage return and line feed sequence, followed by the top line of the display. The contents of the the screen should not be altered during the screen print so that a complete screen image can be reproduced. After the last line has been printed, a carriage return and line feed sequence will be sent to the printer to separate one screen print from the next. $ SCREEN PRINT (continued) Touching the key and simultaneously touching the key during a screen print will terminate the print out, although some printers will continue printing the information received before the termi- nation was detected. Screen print may be initiated at any time, in any program. It should be noted that certain control codes that may be displayed on the screen can cause unpredictable operation with some printers that interpret control codes as direct printer commands. $ MONITOR COMMANDS The Basic Operating System monitor (BOS) is the primary control program for the XEROX 820-II computer. The BOS monitor begins execution when the computer is first powered on, or whenever the reset button is pressed. The monitor commands are: d(isplay memory) D [start adress] [end address] m(odify memory) M
x(tended memory test) X f(ill memory) F c(opy memory) C v(erify memory block) V g(oto) G
[HL DE BC registers] i(nput) I <16-bit port address> o(utput) O <16-bit port address> r(ead disk sector) R
b(aud rate) B [channel] t(ypewriter) T [baud rate code] h(ost terminal) H [channel] p(rinter protocol) P [status mask] [status value] $ MONITOR COMMANDS (continued) Touching the key and simultaneously touching the key will normally terminate a program and return control to the BOS monitor. Control is actually passed to the routine that is pointed to by the JUMP vector at location F003 hex. User programs may trap the key by modifying the jump at F003 to point to their own software termination or warm start routine. $ HOST TERMINAL COMMANDS At power-on or reset, the communications port is set for 300 baud, and the printer port for 1200 baud. Both serial ports are set for 7 data bits and even parity with one stop bit. Scroll up Scroll down Enable local echo Enable local auto line feed Enable remote echo Enable remote auto line feed Transmit BREAK Exit terminal mode $ DISPLAY CONTROL CODES Set cursor character as next character Restore previous attribute mode Bell Backspace or cursor left Horizontal tab Line feed or cursor down Cursor up Cursor right Carriage return Clear to end of screen Clear to end of line Clear screen and home cursor Escape Display next character direct $ ESCAPE SEQUENCES Disable attribute display Enable attribute display Clear screen Pass 7-bit keyboard data Pass 8-bit keyboard data Set blink attribute mode Set graphics attribute mode Set blink attribute mode Set inverse video attribute mode Set low intensity attribute mode XY cursor position leadin Line insert Character insert Line delete Clear to end of line Character delete Clear to end of screen $ SUBROUTINE ENTRY POINTS Most of the entry points are downward compatible with the original XEROX Model 820 BOS Monitor. Differences are noted with an *. Entries with a # are provided exclusively for 820 bios compatibility. * F000 - Cold start. The Resident monitor is reloaded from ROM. * F003 - Warm start. Performed when is touched. F006 - Keyboard status. Returns FF if ready, 00 if not ready. F009 - Keyboard input. Waits for, then returns data in reg A. F00C - CRT output. From register A, saves/restores all regs. * F00F - Fast CRT output. From reg C, destroys all registers. F012 - SIO-B input ready status. Returns status in register A. F015 - SIO-B input data. Returns character in A. F018 - SIO-B output data. Transmits character from register A. # F01B - Select logical disk. From register C. (00H-0FH) # F01E - Home disk. Seek track 0. # F021 - Seek logical track. Track in C, always returns success. # F024 - Read sector. Transfer address in HL, sector in reg C. $ SUBROUTINE ENTRY POINTS (continued) # F027 - Write sector. Transfer address in HL, sector in reg C. F02A - Execute physical driver. Parameter block pointer in HL. F02D - Set direct CRT cursor. Address from registers HL. F030 - Direct CRT display. Store A at loc set by direct CRT cursor, increments direct cursor address. F033 - CRT memory block move. Move memory block to or from screen. Source address in HL, destination in DE, number of bytes to move in BC, register A indicates type to move. F036 - Return disk map table address in registers HL. F039 - Return address of time of day locations in registers HL. F03C - Return configuration status. F03F - SIO-B output ready status. Returns FF if ready, 00 if not. F042 - Get or set configurable data. F045 - Start screen print. Initiates background screen print. F048 - User accessible 1 second interrupt. $